Elegant Slacker

Helping you make the most of the work you don't do.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Elegant Slacker Newsletter v.12

Friends, countrymen, fellow Elegant Slackers, it is with a heavy heart and penitent soul we bring our run, here at Elegant Slacker Magazine, to an end. In this Lenten season of self reflection and contemplation, we realized through the diligent and thorough publishing of this newsletter, we have violated the sacred principles we purport to uphold.

There is no elegance in flouting your slacking abilities. There is no slack in regular, timely, formal installments. We are neither elegant nor slackers.

It's not you, believe me. It's our problem. But I hope we can still be friends and maybe go our for a drink now and then, think of the good ol' days. We've saved all your letters and will remember our time together fondly.

For now though, it's goodbye. Sit back, relax and enjoy your own slack.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Elegant Slacker Newsletter v.11

We are certainly slacking this week. Not only did we take a week off for sipping hurricane's at Mardi Gras last week, but this week we are skipping the vocabulary words for the week. Get yo'self a dictionary lazy dude! Beads! Whoo hoo! Show your... [ed. please note the editors are still on their bender, they need help, not your scorn. we are working to nurse them back to their normal elegant selves.] Sit back, relax and enjoy the slack.

  • Elegant Slacker Vocabulary Words for the Week

    none this week!

  • Elegant Slacker Feature of the Week "Elegant Photos from Around the Web'"

    The Internet is a crazy place. Only through web searching technologies and a keen Elegant Slacker's sensibility can you track down other elegant folks on the web. Alternatively, you can find the less than elegant as well.

    This week we present a few snapshots from folks around the web.

    Elegant Haircut

    Elegant Slacking

    Elegant Cubicle

  • Elegant Slacker Weekly Time Killer "Acronym Soup"

    A little bit of TLC never hurt your PPT presentation in front of those CxO's. With this in mind, ES presents a new WTK that can help you burn those precious HOTC by overwhelming the audience with plenty of TLAs, FLAs and nLAs.

    1. Find a presentation on which you can base your speech 2. Borrow judiciously from the other presentation, being sure to give credit to the original author in case issues arise. 3. Modify slightly to include as many acronyms as possible. Any three letter word can be made into an acronym. 4. During your presentation, never use the full terminology the acronyms stand for. If someone darest ask, question their general authority with a statement like," How long have you been on the project?" 5. Continue with presentation and only if more than 1/3rd of the room seems confused by a particular acronym should you define what it means. Once the quorum has been met, be sure to always use the acronym and follow it up with the spelled out version so as to appear interested in educating the audience.

    Wasn't that lovely? Don't forget to RSVP about the PCP up in LBC before my SUV gets in the HOV!

  • All content © Elegant Slacker 2005, 2006
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